Aayushya | Fetal Medicine Indore

Fetal medicine

Specialized branch of medicine that focuses on the management and care of both the pregnant woman and the developing fetus.

  • Genetic Lab

    Identification of a genetic disorder in the fetus can lead to life-saving interventions initiated either prenatally or early in the.....

  • Amniocentesis

    Amniocentesis is a prenatal test that can diagnose genetic disorders (such as Down syndrome etc) and other ......

  • Chorionic Villous Sampling

    It involves removing and testing a small sample of cells from the placenta, the organ linking the mother’s blood supply with the....

  • Amniodrainage

    Amniodrainage performed to treat polyhydramnios. Doctor uses a thin needle to remove extra amount....

  • Fetal Reduction

    When you carry twins, triplets, or more, pregnancy becomes more of a challenge. Complications which may arise with....

  • Vesicocentesis

    A vesicocentesis involves using a needle to withdrawal excess fluid from the fetal bladder. This is done under ultrasound guidance....

  • Pleurocentesis

    Fetal pleural effusion is an accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity of a developing fetus. As the fluid increases, it can compress.....

  • Fetal Shunting Procedures

    Some unborn babies have lung or bladder problems that prevent their fluids from draining into the amniotic fluid. These......


    Laser photocoagulation is a procedure that is used to correct TTTS which develops in special kind of twins

Essential Scans during Pregnancy

Viability Scan
(6-8 Weeks)

  • Confirms embryo presence, gestational age, and pregnancy progress.
  • It is to check fetal heartbeat, count number of baby, and pregnancy location, crucial for early issue identification.
  • Nuchal Translucency Scan (11-14 Weeks)

  • Scan assesses baby's neck fluid to evaluate chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome.
  • Combined with a blood test, it estimates risk, providing vital insights into your baby's health.
  • Target Scan (Anamoly Scan)
    (18-20 Weeks)

  • Anomaly scans examines the baby's organs and development.
  • They check for any issues in the head, brain, heart, limbs, and more. While not comprehensive, it helps detect major concerns, enabling discussions on further steps.
  • Growth Scan
    (32 and 36 Weeks)

  • Assess fetal development by measuring size, weight, and body parts through ultrasound.
  • Essential for detecting issues like growth restrictions, or excessive fetal growth aiding in tailored care for a healthy pregnancy.
  • Essential Scans during Pregnancy

    Viability Scan
    (6-8 Weeks)

  • Confirms embryo presence, gestational age, and pregnancy progress.
  • It is to check fetal heartbeat, count number of baby, and pregnancy location, crucial for early issue identification.
  • Nuchal Translucency Scan (11-14 Weeks)

  • Scan assesses baby's neck fluid to evaluate chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome.
  • Combined with a blood test, it estimates risk, providing vital insights into your baby's health.
  • Target Scan (Anamoly Scan)
    (18-20 Weeks)

  • Anomaly scans examines the baby's organs and development.
  • They check for any issues in the head, brain, heart, limbs, and more. While not comprehensive, it helps detect major concerns, enabling discussions on further steps.
  • Growth Scan
    (32 and 36 Weeks)

  • Assess fetal development by measuring size, weight, and body parts through ultrasound.
  • Essential for detecting issues like growth restrictions, or excessive fetal growth aiding in tailored care for a healthy pregnancy.